Tuesday, May 06, 2008

I went down to the Bead Expo here in Phoenix and helped man the ASGB booth for part of the day. This is me..HELlo thar!!

I must say that it was not like working at all. I had a fun time meeting many interesting people and talking with friends and other bead artist. I hope to see some of the people that I spoke with either at the ASGB meetings or at Fire and Friends Z Art Studio.

I am glad that our group was able to have a table to promote our group. I know that I have gained much confidence and inspiration to try new things becasue of my group. I love the partonage. This group of ladies gets along so well with one another that every experience I have had with this group has been a positive one. :)

Right now I am working on getting together a presentation for my group about the history of Lampworking. I have been finding pictures of ancient beads and I would like to try and reproduce them. Our whole group is going to be able to participate too. I am also looking into different styles of making "FAKE" patinas on glass to make their pieces look very old.

So far I have thought that Baking Soda, Enamels, and Etching might do the trick. I am planning on writing an article with pitures of the final results. I will post a link to my webpages article section when I am done. In the meantime if you are interested in my lampwork group.....here is the link to their official website. A work in progress.....
This is a picture of the ASGB case at our booth.