Friday, August 28, 2009

I have been inspired to etch designs onto metal surfaces after reading the book "Semiprecious Salvage" creating found art jewelry by Stephanie Lee. I found a picture of the moon and wrote this poem on its surface. My "experiment" did not quite work out like I wanted. What I learned though was that etching works really well with stamps using permanent ink, not so well with laser toner and acetone.

I am really drawn to affirmations and this poem was one that I needed for myself at this point in my life as a mother and a wife. I printed it out and it is taped next to my computer where not only I can read it, but my HUSBAND can read it too. After all.....he might need reminding too that I am a treasure. Never let anyone take you for granted. If I am the moon, he is the SUN. I better get a SUN poem posted on the wall next to it for him. :)

As an artist, you cannot stop playing with different aspects of your creativity. I am always trying to evolve my art and implement new ideas and techniques into them. I am using clay with my mermaid tails and electroforming them. I love the metal with the glass. Here are a few pictures of some of the projects I have been working on.

At this moment I am busily getting ready for THE BEST BEAD SHOW down in Tucson, AZ this Sept, 11-13. I will be there on the 12th and the 13th helping out my friend Sheila one of the instructors at the event. I will have some of my beads available for sale also. They will be the Mermaid Tail, and the Spirit Tree Pendants. So hope to see some of you down there and meet you in person. :) I will post more details as soon as I find out more on Monday. This has been a last minute sort of thing.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I thought I would share the technique of cleaning tarnished pieces of silver that you might have lying around. If you are anything like me you might have a TON of things that are in need of a little elbow grease. If you lack the time to buff the tarnish away...have I got the solution for you! A friend from my lampwork group had shared a technique with me a while back about how to clean tarnish off of silver using things you might already have at home. Get ready here comes the instructions..

Casserole dish
Aluminum Foil
Baking Soda
Tarnished Silver
Boiling Water
Elbow Grease

Line the casserole dish with Aluminum foil. Lay your silver on the dish and sprinkle with the Baking Soda. Pour Boiling Water over it and agitate slightly.
The Tarnish literally POPs right off it.
Apply a little elbow grease cleaning power, rinse and wear.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I have caught the Mixed Media BUG. I still have a great LOVE for all things Glass, but I am having a difficult time managing my time wisely to arrange for torch time. I have a busy life involving children, housework and the proper feeding and caring of a husband. :) LOL. To torch it requires preheating my kiln, and arranging time to be undisturbed. I cannot put my bead down while I separate my children from arguing. Melting glass is equivalent to balancing honey on a stick. If you set it down it will either distort horribly or drop right off the mandrel.

I have found that using my beads in other ways has been very rewarding and does not require my undivided attention. Painting, drilling, gluing, and sculpting are my new friends. Although making beads is my main squeeze.......torch time is limited at least while school is out for the SUMMER.

Another venture I am having so much fun with is copper electrofoming. So much fuN!! Here is a mermaid that I made with that technique. NO torchtime required...except for the tail, although I had her tail for some time now...ready for a new body.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I have joined the ipod hype. I have resisted for awhile now and I am finding it VEry amusing now to listen to music while I am working, playing, everything! I am in love with the FREE podcasts they have on itunes. I just bought Lily Allens new album and am enjoying it very much! I hope you all do too!

I have added a playlist music player to this blog. I hope you find it amusing. HAPPY VALENTINES! My husband is reluctantly PAINTING my kitchen/family room for my valentines present. I will post pictures as soon as it is done. I have only had to wait for almost 4 years! So natuarally I am very excited. PAINT away.......