Friday, January 15, 2010

I cannot tolerate monstrosity of man on a good day, much less the ugliness of unkindness. So the quote of the day is
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

This is what I want to pass on down to my children. The courage to act and serve Good in the face of Evil. I see this right now in Haiti as the humanitarian workers filter aid to the people in need. I see this in the faces of the men and women here who step up and rescue abused children from their environments when they need them the most.
When I was lying in bed after my surgery to remove my cancer, my mother told me something quite profound. She told me that people show you their true character in the hardest of times. I would like to think that most of my dear family and friends are true and people of strong character.
You might be asking what does the devastating earthquake in Haiti, the diagnosis of cancer and the revelation of a child being abused have in common? THE CALL TO DO GOOD & ACT!!!!

Pray, donate to Red Cross, volunteer at a Cancer clinic, Rescue a child.....
I am making a promise right now to teach this to my children, and I will show them by example.