Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I have caught the Mixed Media BUG. I still have a great LOVE for all things Glass, but I am having a difficult time managing my time wisely to arrange for torch time. I have a busy life involving children, housework and the proper feeding and caring of a husband. :) LOL. To torch it requires preheating my kiln, and arranging time to be undisturbed. I cannot put my bead down while I separate my children from arguing. Melting glass is equivalent to balancing honey on a stick. If you set it down it will either distort horribly or drop right off the mandrel.

I have found that using my beads in other ways has been very rewarding and does not require my undivided attention. Painting, drilling, gluing, and sculpting are my new friends. Although making beads is my main squeeze.......torch time is limited at least while school is out for the SUMMER.

Another venture I am having so much fun with is copper electrofoming. So much fuN!! Here is a mermaid that I made with that technique. NO torchtime required...except for the tail, although I had her tail for some time now...ready for a new body.

1 comment:

oldefrostfarm1780 said...

Your Words were so comforting to me...As i was reading your comment i could easily see that you have experienced some very hard have Wisdom and what you said is so true...You have touched my soul....Thank you....Hugs